Transfer data ponsel tanpa PC
Transfer data WhatsApp dan WhatsApp Business antar perangkat Android dan iOS.
Transfer pesan, foto, video, dan data lainnya dari ponsel ke ponsel, ponsel ke komputer, dan sebaliknya.
Backup hingga 18+ jenis data dan data WhatsApp ke komputer, dan pulihkan data backup dengan mudah.
Transfer data dari WhatsApp & WhatsApp Business tanpa perlu factory reset.
Transfer data ponsel, data WhatsApp, dan file antar perangkat.
Peretasan WhatsApp teratas untuk mengubah Anda menjadi master perpesanan.
Daftar tips keren yang harus Anda ketahui saat beralih ke iPhone baru.
Kami telah mengumpulkan trik terbaik kami untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari Android baru Anda.
Seberapa Luar Biasa Anda Menggunakan iCloud untuk mentransfer data Telepon?
Tips & Trik untuk Mengoptimalkan LINE, Kik, Viber, dan WeChat.
Temukan hal baru yang membuat kami semakin menyukai iPad/iPod.
Jelajahi perangkat Samsung Anda dan jangan pernah melewatkan sesuatu yang berguna.
Ubah iTunes Anda menjadi pengelola media yang andal dengan beberapa tips sederhana.
Panduan Lengkap untuk Membantu Anda Mentransfer Data ke Ponsel Samsung!
Pelajari tentang Teknologi 5G & Dapatkan MobileTrans untuk Mentransfer data!
Bergabunglah dengan Kontes & Hadiah MobileTrans di sini! Menangkan lisensi MobileTrans, telepon, dan kartu hadiah gratis!
With the new iPhone coming out, we expect that a lot of people will be migrating from Android to your new iPhone. And you might be one of those people. For many people switching from an Android smartphone to an iPhone is a painful process. Transferring data like photos, contacts, calendars, and accounts from your old Android phone to your new iPhone is difficult because both operating systems are built differently.
If you are turned off by this difficult and long data transfer process, we have good news for you. There is actually a quick way to transfer from Android to iPhone below.
To perform a quick data transfer, you will need MobileTrans - Phone Transfer. It is a data transfer tool developed to migrate content between Android, iOS, and Windows devices regardless of the network you are on. All you need is a computer as an intermediary device. With this software, you will be able to get contacts, text messages, call logs, calendar, photos, music, video, and apps from your Android to iPhone in a jiffy.
Quick Way to Transfer from Android to iPhone in 1 Click!
Performing data transfer from Android to iPhone is really easy with this software. Don't believe me? Have a look:
Open the software and connect your Android smartphone and iPhone to your computer. On the welcome screen, click on the "Phone Transfer".
It will automatically detect your devices. If the positions of the devices are wrong, click the "Flip" button.
In the box between both devices, you will be able to see a list of items that are transferable. Check the boxes next to the file types you want to transfer and click on the "Start" button to start transferring data. To ensure that data transfer is successful, make sure that the devices stay connected throughout the fairly quick data transfer process.
It looks really easy, right? Before you decide whether to purchase the software or not, it is important to know some of its pros and cons:
If you are looking for an official solution from Apple, you can also use the Move to iOS app to perform data transfer from Android to iPhone. The app facilitates the transfer of photos, contacts, calendars, and accounts from your Android to iPhone over a direct WiFi connection.
The app is available on Google Play and it is super easy to use:
Like many other things in life, the app has its own good and bad characteristics:
With the advent of technology, you would no longer need to worry when you want to migrate from one operating system to another. This has allowed smart devices users to experience multiple platforms and not just stick to one with its quick data transfer process.
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