Transfer data ponsel tanpa PC
Transfer data WhatsApp dan WhatsApp Business antar perangkat Android dan iOS.
Transfer pesan, foto, video, dan data lainnya dari ponsel ke ponsel, ponsel ke komputer, dan sebaliknya.
Backup hingga 18+ jenis data dan data WhatsApp ke komputer, dan pulihkan data backup dengan mudah.
Transfer data dari WhatsApp & WhatsApp Business tanpa perlu factory reset.
Transfer data ponsel, data WhatsApp, dan file antar perangkat.
Peretasan WhatsApp teratas untuk mengubah Anda menjadi master perpesanan.
Daftar tips keren yang harus Anda ketahui saat beralih ke iPhone baru.
Kami telah mengumpulkan trik terbaik kami untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari Android baru Anda.
Seberapa Luar Biasa Anda Menggunakan iCloud untuk mentransfer data Telepon?
Tips & Trik untuk Mengoptimalkan LINE, Kik, Viber, dan WeChat.
Temukan hal baru yang membuat kami semakin menyukai iPad/iPod.
Jelajahi perangkat Samsung Anda dan jangan pernah melewatkan sesuatu yang berguna.
Ubah iTunes Anda menjadi pengelola media yang andal dengan beberapa tips sederhana.
Panduan Lengkap untuk Membantu Anda Mentransfer Data ke Ponsel Samsung!
Pelajari tentang Teknologi 5G & Dapatkan MobileTrans untuk Mentransfer data!
Bergabunglah dengan Kontes & Hadiah MobileTrans di sini! Menangkan lisensi MobileTrans, telepon, dan kartu hadiah gratis!
Are you looking for an accurate way to transfer contacts from Windows Phone to Samsung Galaxy? Whether it is from windows phone to the latest Samsung S20/S21/S22, or to the previous Samsung S7/S8, you can use this article to recommend MobileTrans tool Quick fix!
Your phone is an extremely important part of your life and a decision to change it is not an easy one. But you are prepared for a change, and you want to swap your Windows phone with a new Samsung Galaxy model. Now, if you could only find a way to transfer Windows phone contacts to Galaxy S7/S8 you just bought, you would be extremely satisfied. This is exactly what we present you in this article, four different ways of moving your contacts from your old Windows phone to the new Galaxy S8/S7.
Wondershare MobileTrans is an excellent software for performing a transfer between two mobile devices from any creator. Not only you can transfer contacts, you can move around any kind of data, which is why this software is one of the best out there. You can download MobileTrans from its official page on the Wondershare website, the installation process is extremely easy and won’t take more than a couple of minutes.
How to Transfer other Data from Windows Phone to Samsung Galaxy in 1 Click!
Step 1. Once you have installed Wondershare MobileTrans, launch the software.
Step 2. Connect your Windows Phone and your destination device Samsung Galaxy S8 to your computer. Then click Phone Transfer. MobileTrans will detect it soon.
Step 3. Check Photos, Videos and Music files. After you select the files, click Start. Then your Winphone data will be tranferred to Samsung Galaxy directly.
Step 4. Once the process is finished, you will get the message of its successful completion.
If you want to transfer Windows phone contacts to Galaxy S7/S8 by using a Google account, you will need to first sync your Windows phone with your Microsoft account.
Step 1. After having ensured your data is synchronized, sign in to the Microsoft account in question on your computer.
Step 2. On the upper-left part, choose the dropdown menu next to Outlook. Pick people, then manage and finally Export to save a file on the desired location on your PC. The file should be named WLMContacts.csv
Step 3. When you have downloaded the file, head to the Gmail website and log in with your Google account data.
Step 4. Once you opened the Gmail, notice the Gmail button on the upper left part of the screen. Click on the contacts to open the Contacts screen.
Now choose the Import option and pick the file you saved during the step 2.
Step 5. You will see the contacts are imported, which completes the second part of the transfer Windows phone contacts to Galaxy S7 process.
Step 6. Now take your phone and navigate to Settings and then Accounts and Sync.
Step 7. Choose Add account and then pick Google and add an existing account.
Step 8. Finally, find the Google account you’ve just added and choose to synchronize contacts and perhaps some other data you need.
1-click solution to help you transfer data from Windows Phone to Samsung. Supports to transfer contacts, photos, music, videos, canlenda, and more.
Phone Swappr is a very useful app if you intend to transfer Windows phone contacts to Galaxy S8/S7, as it will enable you to do this quite easy. Make sure to find and install the Phone Swappr app on both of your phones. You can find the app in the Windows Store or on Google Play.
Step 1. Open the app on your Windows phone and choose the Sync contacts option which is offered to you.
Step 2. Choose Send contacts to cloud, as you will first need to export your contacts to a cloud where they will be saved.
Step 3. You will get a Confirm message. Before clicking yes, please note that your contacts are saved for only 7 days, after which they will be deleted and you need to repeat the process all over again.
Step 4. You will see a message that synchronization is in progress. Please be patient, as it might take a couple of minutes, depending on the number of your contacts.
Step 5. Once the process is finished, you will see a completion message. The important thing to notice here is the PIN code at the bottom. Write it down somewhere where you won’t lose it.
Step 6. Take you Samsung Galaxy S8/S7 and open the Phone Swappr app. From the options you have at your disposal, choose Get contacts from the cloud.
Once you have clicked this, a field for entering the PIN code you wrote down will show up. When you confirm the code, you will automatically download the files from the cloud into your phone, which completes the transfer Windows phone contacts to Galaxy S8/S7 process.
You can follow the steps to sync your Windows phone contacts to your OneDrive account.
Step 1. Find and choose settings in the All apps screen.
Step 2. Pick Email+accounts and then choose Add accounts.
Step 3. Choose and enter your account data. Note that your account data will be saved. Choose Sign in.
Step 4. You can automatically sync your contacts to OneDrive with your Microsoft account. Once you are asked for backup, choose the Yes answer.
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