Transfer data ponsel tanpa PC
Transfer data WhatsApp dan WhatsApp Business antar perangkat Android dan iOS.
Transfer pesan, foto, video, dan data lainnya dari ponsel ke ponsel, ponsel ke komputer, dan sebaliknya.
Backup hingga 18+ jenis data dan data WhatsApp ke komputer, dan pulihkan data backup dengan mudah.
Transfer data dari WhatsApp & WhatsApp Business tanpa perlu factory reset.
Transfer data ponsel, data WhatsApp, dan file antar perangkat.
Peretasan WhatsApp teratas untuk mengubah Anda menjadi master perpesanan.
Daftar tips keren yang harus Anda ketahui saat beralih ke iPhone baru.
Kami telah mengumpulkan trik terbaik kami untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari Android baru Anda.
Seberapa Luar Biasa Anda Menggunakan iCloud untuk mentransfer data Telepon?
Tips & Trik untuk Mengoptimalkan LINE, Kik, Viber, dan WeChat.
Temukan hal baru yang membuat kami semakin menyukai iPad/iPod.
Jelajahi perangkat Samsung Anda dan jangan pernah melewatkan sesuatu yang berguna.
Ubah iTunes Anda menjadi pengelola media yang andal dengan beberapa tips sederhana.
Panduan Lengkap untuk Membantu Anda Mentransfer Data ke Ponsel Samsung!
Pelajari tentang Teknologi 5G & Dapatkan MobileTrans untuk Mentransfer data!
Bergabunglah dengan Kontes & Hadiah MobileTrans di sini! Menangkan lisensi MobileTrans, telepon, dan kartu hadiah gratis!
Ditulis oleh Nicola Massimo |
WhatsApp has proved to be efficient and convenient for most smartphone users. It works pretty well for both Android and iPhone devices. And apart from sending messages, WhatsApp lets you share videos, attachments, and images with friends. The group chat service is even beyond performance!
The only issue is when you want to copy WhatsApp backup from Google Drive to iCloud. Perhaps this throws us into the disarray of why you cannot transfer WhatsApp backup from Google drive to Android directly.
Part 1: Transfer WhatsApp backup from Google Drive to iCloud directly
Part 2: Guide to transfer WhatsApp backup from Google Drive to iCloud
Google Drive is an excellent way to backup WhatsApp messages and chats. It’s simply on the cloud; you can access it from any corner of the world and use any of your devices. However, Google Drive’s encryption protocols don’t coincide with iCloud.
Hence switching from one operating system device to another comes with its atrocity. This is because Android WhatsApp uses Google Drive for backups while iPhone OS uses the iCloud option.
Therefore, to transfer WhatsApp backup from Google Drive to iCloud directly is impossible given the different formats of these storage mechanisms. But there are third-party tools to help you cross this bridge of transfers. So let’s uncover that in our next-in-line.
You will follow various processes in the quest to transfer Google Drive WhatsApp backup to iCloud. First, start by downloading the WhatsApp backup to your Android phone before transferring it to the iPhone. It is only at this juncture that you can now transfer the backup from iPhone to iCloud for the final step. Follow these steps for a successful transfer.
Remember to use the same mobile number and Google account since you’ll need Android and iPhone devices.
Note: Now you don't have to restore WhatsApp from Android to iPhone first. MobileTrans - WhatsApp Transfer now supports restoring WhatsApp from Google Drive to iPhone directly. If you don't want to restore WhatsApp to Android phone first, just turn to step 2.
1. Reinstall WhatsApp on your Android phone. This will bring a fresh backup from Google Drive to your Android device.
2. Then, launch WhatsApp on your Android phone and tap the three-dot menu found in the upper-right corner.
3. Tap on the “Settings” option and select “Chats.”
4. Go to “Chat backup.”
5. Tap on the “Back up to Google Drive.” Chose how often you want your chats backed up.
6. Tap your Google account and choose the account that you want to engage in.
7. Then tap the “Allow” option on the Google Drive prompt.
8. You can now backup your chats immediately. Tap the green “BACK UP” button to back up to your Android phone.
Requirements about Google Drive to backup and restore data
Storing your data on Google Drive is the safest option so far. Google saves up your data in top world-class data centers. And you find multiple redundant storage mechanisms in these centers. So, that said, you don’t just save your data typically like with hard drives and other devices. You need to meet the requirements to use the Google Drive backup system.
Given the magnitude of its usability, there are certain moments when you’ll need to transfer WhatsApp messages from Google Drive to iCloud, i.e Android storage system to iPhone’s. This is only achievable via third-party tools.
Our recommended tool is MobileTrans - WhatsApp Transfer. MobileTrans - WhatsApp Transfer is intertwined with classic features that let it transfer WhatsApp backup from Android to iPhone in a click of time. So you can now breathe a sigh of relief when you finally acquire a new phone. However, remember that your old data does not automatically transfer to your new device. That’s why a WhatsApp transfer App such as MobileTrans is necessary for transferring such messages. Besides having a user-friendly interface, this App can flexibly handle your WhatsApp chats.
Note: Now you don't have to restore WhatsApp from Android to iPhone first. MobileTrans - WhatsApp Transfer now supports restoring WhatsApp from Google Drive to iPhone directly. You can just choose the Google Drive to WhatsApp option to transfer it.
Restore WhatsApp from Google Drive to iPhone With 1 Click!
In just one click, this App manages to successfully transfer any data type across devices. Follow these steps to transfer WhatsApp data from Android to your iPhone.
1. Install and launch the App.
2. Connect both your Android and iPhone devices to the PC.
3. Go to MobileTran’s main screen and select the ‘WhatsApp Transfer” option. Then, click on the “WhatsApp Transfer” buttons.
4. Wait for your Android and iPhone phones to be detected. They should both appear connected to your computer.
5. Click the “Start” button at the bottom-right corner of the screen. This should transfer your WhatsApp messages from your Android phone to the iPhone device.
6. Once the transfer is completed, a list of Android WhatsApp messages will be populated for you to view and retrieve them on your iPhone.
Using WhatsApp on iPhone will automatically backup data to iCloud. So you can access most of your data even after switching to a new iPhone. However, you may sometimes need to transfer your WhatsApp data from your iPhone to your iCloud account in case they can’t sync.
You need to transfer data from one device to another for various reasons. So whether it’s to transfer Google Drive WhatsApp backup to iCloud or Android to iPhone, MobileTrans - WhatsApp Transfer is here to take you through. It offers secure processing for your WhatsApp message transfer, backup, and restore.
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